Get the Party Started: Fun Mr. and Mrs. Questions for Your Baby Shower!

Add a playful twist to your baby shower with these entertaining Mr. and Mrs. questions! Whether you’re hosting a co-ed celebration or just want to liven up the festivities, these fun questions are sure to get everyone laughing and bonding over shared memories and inside jokes.

What are Mr. and Mrs. Questions?

Mr. and Mrs. Questions are a classic game often played at weddings and other celebrations, where couples answer questions about each other to see how well they know one another. For a baby shower, these questions can be adapted to focus on parenthood, pregnancy, and the impending arrival of the little one.

How to Play

To play Mr. and Mrs. Questions at your baby shower, divide the guests into teams consisting of couples or pairs of friends. Then, read out a series of questions and have each couple write down their answers separately. Compare the answers to see which couple knows each other best. The couple with the most matching answers wins a prize!

Fun Mr. and Mrs. Questions for Your Baby Shower

  1. Who will be the stricter parent when it comes to discipline?
  2. Who is more likely to get emotional during sentimental moments?
  3. Who is the better cook/baker among the two of you?
  4. Who is more likely to change a diaper without being asked?
  5. Who will be the first to wake up for late-night feedings?
  6. Who is more likely to forget important dates like anniversaries or birthdays?
  7. Who will be the designated baby photographer/videographer?
  8. Who is more likely to cry during the baby’s first milestones?
  9. Who will be the expert swaddler in the family?
  10. Who will be the first to crack under sleep deprivation?

Customizing the Questions

Feel free to customize the questions to suit the personalities and experiences of the parents-to-be. You can include questions about their hobbies, quirks, pet peeves, or even predictions about the baby’s traits and future interests. The goal is to create a fun and memorable experience that brings everyone together to celebrate the joyous occasion.

Prize Ideas

Don’t forget to prepare some fun prizes for the winning couples! Consider baby-themed gifts such as diaper cakes, baby blankets, or gift cards to baby stores. You can also opt for non-baby-related prizes like gourmet chocolates, scented candles, or personalized mugs. The prizes add an extra element of excitement and friendly competition to the game.

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